The Quality Scheme for Ready Mixed Concrete (QSRMC) was established in 1984 to provide a specialised and dedicated certification service in respect of the design, production and supply of ready mixed concrete.
QSRMC is controlled by a Governing Board with full representation from the construction industry, including the major professional institutions and associations of both the producers of concrete and those who design, specify, purchase and use concrete. The members of the Board understand concrete and know what controls are necessary to meet customer requirements.
The QSRMC certification standards are set out in the Quality and Product Conformity Regulations, which were drawn up by a specialist working group representing designers, specifiers, users and ready mixed concrete producers. The Regulations combine industry best practice with customer requirements.
QSRMC certification incorporates ISO 9001 registration (which includes concrete design) and certification of the product for compliance with specifications (product conformity certification).
As a specialist sector certification scheme, QSRMC’s assessors understand the critical processes involved in the design, production and supply of ready mixed concrete and the requirements of designers, specifiers and users. QSRMC certification can be relied upon as an assurance that certified producers will comply with the specification.
The QSRMC Certification Mark is the mark of product conformity for ready mixed concrete and is applicable to all specifications. It is awarded to concrete producers who demonstrate to the independent assessment authority their ability to comply with the QSRMC Quality and Product Conformity Regulations. The Regulations cover all critical aspects concerned with the design, production and supply of ready mixed concrete, including the quality of raw materials, the efficiency and calibration of production plant and equipment, the technical competence of personnel, testing, control and conformity procedures and the contract review process.
All QSRMC certificated plants are assessed each year. QSRMC certification does not rely only on sampling the production facilities of registered companies but involves an in depth surveillance of the production systems.

The most effective way of ensuring that the quality requirements of all appropriate standards and specifications will be met is to specify QSRMC Certification for the supply of all concrete. The following clause is, therefore, recommended for inclusion in all concrete specifications:
Ready mixed concrete shall be supplied by a QSRMC Registered Company from a plant holding current QSRMC Certification for Product Conformity.